July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello book lovers! What is a book you thought you’d like but had to suffer through, or what is a book you DNF’d almost instantly?

    I am peculiar, so the books you did not like, I may just be able to read, like myself, or maybe one I will end up disliking as well but I don’t read enough yet to have a long list, but I just might with your suggestions!

    by Cosmic_Writer24


    1. Queenofhackenwack on

      house of darkness house of light…..andrea perron is a shit writer…only read it because i live near “the conjuring ” house and read her crappy book way before hollywood made the stupid movie

      and anna karenina… skipped the whole middle part and read only the first few chapters and the last….

      i will not read a book that does not grab me from the start….

    2. XxxGoldDustWomanxxX on

      Tampa by Alissa Nutting was a DNF before even finishing the first chapter. I felt like I was going to be placed on some list for reading that…

    3. The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Pulitzer prize winner and gifted to me at Christmas. I hated it but read it till the end because, well, it won that award so it must be good, right? Nope, hated the ending too.

    4. Lonesome Dove. I have not finished it yet and left it at 50%.

      It was a little too long, but want to finish it eventually.

    5. Gravity’s Rainbow – what a slog, and ultimately not particularly rewarding

    6. skies_clear on

      Mistborn. Should have been right up my alley, so I was very disappointed. 

      Man, all that flaring and repetitive explanation was painful.. and the unconvincing juvenile romance downright off-putting.

    7. KaceyCats0714 on

      A Ladder to the Sky by John Boyne. I had read The Heart’s Incredible Furies and loved it. Unfortunately I didn’t think A Ladder to the Sky was anywhere near as good and I couldn’t finish it

    8. The Road, may be linguistically an artistically nice, but such a painfully boring read

    9. SteelersandSFGiants on

      A Little Life. I promised myself it was going to get better. It didn’t. It got worse. The story, writing, emotion, trauma. Just 736 pages of never again or recommend.

    10. eleven_paws on


      I love The Odyssey. I love the idea of a literary epic. But James Joyce’s prose… ugh.

      I shamelessly DNF’ed and won’t be returning.

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