July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Everyone has their own unloved author and you somehow read a lot of books from him and one of them seemed normal to you against the background of the others. Let's put aside the question: "Why should I read an author I didn't like?"

    For example (not my reading experience, but just something like a template): "I don't like Dan Brown, but I liked his first book, Angels and Demons. I really love the city of Rome and I liked how he conveyed the atmosphere of this city, but the rest of his books seemed to me much more stupid and boring."

    by mystery5009


    1. I can’t stand Ayn Rand’s philosophy but think she does a great job making a narrative about her ideas.

    2. condensedmilkontoast on

      Ian McEwan. I loved Atonement but otherwise his writing style isn’t for me. I recently read Lessons by him and it was a slog – felt pretentious and dragged out.

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