July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I really like mysteries, basically any kind. I don't care if it's a missing cat or a gruesome murder.

    The problem is, a lot of mystery books I've picked up or been gifted include sexual assault, pedophilia, stuff like that. I usually try to push through and finish the books but it kind of sours my experience.

    Despite these elements I really liked Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson. I liked that it kind of hit like a golden age murder mystery while still staying pretty modern and fresh. I've already read a lot of the classics too.

    Anyway, if anyone knows of a good mystery novel that avoids these topics, I'd really appreciate it. I'd prefer ones without romance as a focal point, it just doesn't interest me, but other than that I'll try just about anything!

    by OddAstronomer5

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