July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So my sisters pretty smart for her age and I need to get her a book as a gift. I think she’s into philosophy and psychology cuz she talks abt it too much, but especially quantum physics and quantum mechanics like the theory of time travel and very basic string theory and the multiverse and wormholes and stuff.
    I’m looking for a book that’s not too advanced, like just bc my parents like to act like she’s a prodigy doesn’t mean she is one… anyway yeah so like she said she doesnt need to deal with numbers and formulas and stuff (I don’t blame her) i just think she’ll like a book that’s just like a ted talk as a book if you know what i mean. It just needs to be explaining stuff but still interesting??? Idk she has high standards for everything.

    If anyone in the smart people community can suggest a book that’s not too advanced but good for her, I’d appreciate it.

    Also, she “hates ugly covers”??? idc but yeah my parents told me to get her a smart gift for her stupid smart brain she sucks. But also I haven’t been nice to her in a while now so I wanna get her smth shell actually like so yea.

    I’m desperate. Please suggest good book.

    by thisisacoolusername4

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