July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. I-created-Jiah on

      The Basic Eight by Daniel Handler. No one understands it like I do. None of my friends say it’s bad. They all call it mediocre but it’s not. IT’S NOT. IT’S A MASTERPIECE.

    2. Future-Ear6980 on

      **Atlas Shrugged – Ayn Rand**

      No, I didn’t read the +- 90 page monologue by John Galt either time that I’ve read the book, the rest of it is very good.

    3. I love & wouldn’t change a thing about Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw.

      (I say this every time to this question & every time I get a metric ton of replies saying how much they hate the book so just wanna head people off at the pass that I know it’s an unpopular opinion! I know! That’s why I’m saying it! You win at having the more universally palatable take, I get it!)

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