July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently bought a book for £3.something from Awesome books and it has a charity sticker on it for £1.49 the other book has a sticker that it's from charity but not a price. Years ago I stopped buying from a different indie shop online because they did the exact same, paid a very small price and charged double.
    I know this is what businesses do to make a profit but doesn't seem right when they've bought it from charity. Am I thinking too much into it? What are other people's thoughts?

    I had a voucher fron Awesome books for the last purchase they messed up with so I'm not really concerned atm as I pretty much had that book for free but if they've done it once I'm not sure I'd trust buying again.

    by Great-Activity-5420

    1 Comment

    1. The charity got what they charged for it so no unethical shenanigans going on here imo. Once you buy a book from a charity it then belongs to the buyer not the charity.

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