July 2024
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    1. fartmanthebeaneater on

      Started midnight library by Matt Haig, and three body problem by Liu Cixin.

      Finished east of eden by John Steinbeck, and midnight library by Matt Haig

    2. Lost_Midnight6206 on


      Fifth Sun (Camilla Townsend). Great, very insightful read that reminds me of the ‘Celtic Holocaust’ episode of Hardcore History. While it is a very academic book, it also highlights how the few written Aztec sources survived.

      Persian Fire (Tom Holland). Great read that offers a warts-and-all look at the world’s first major empire as well as the conflicts with the Egyptians and the Greek nation states. Holland also highlights how the Persians expanded territory – conquest, religion and normal diplomacy.


      The Korean War (Max Hastings). Only started. About 50 pages in so far. Interesting read so far.

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