September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been on a streak of DNF books, which saddens me. I dislike not finishing books but also can’t put myself through reading something monotonous or with terrible characters, no matter how much praise it’s gotten. That sucks because I probably miss out on stories that could’ve been good, but I’ll never know.

    The latest one was The Devil Wears Prada. I simply cannot stand the protagonist, Andrea. There’s this aura of superiority she has towards everyone, and the way she speaks just rubs me off the wrong way. I read 2/3 of the book, felt like it was a massive chore and decided to add it to my DNF pile.

    A friend told me they usually go up to page 100 of a book before deciding if they want to stick with it or not.

    What do you do?

    by Lunanella


    1. PM_BRAIN_WORMS on

      I read 500 pages of FDR by Jean Edward Smith, up to Pearl Harbor, before deciding that I did not want to read about his leadership in WW2 for the millionth time.

    2. odious_odes on

      Any amount at all. I’ve chosen a book and read two pages and chucked it; I’ve read 300 pages of 800; I’ve read 250 of 300; I’ve read 380 of 400. If I don’t care about the story or don’t enjoy reading it, I stop, and it doesn’t matter how far through I am.

    3. Honestly I sometimes skim read a paragraph in the book shop and that’s enough. Then just whenever I give up the will to read. Life’s too short and there are too many awesome books out there!

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