July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am 27M
    Used to love reading books when I was in school, I actually loved writing as well.

    Feels like I stopped reading ever since I started working and paying bills lol
    Last few weeks I’ve had a strong urge to get back into reading (figured it would be better than video games every night)

    My issue is that I am extremely indecisive, have been reading so much about what book to read I could’ve already finished one

    Right now I am pretty much trying to choose between
    – the old man and the sea by Hemingway
    – the prince by Machiavelli
    – the Iliad by Homer
    – a clockwork orange by Anthony Burgess
    – One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez

    The last book I read was probably The Alchemist, unless I’m forgetting something, and I loved it
    I don’t want to jump into something that’s really tough to get through. My first book back I want something I can read through relatively easily and enjoy

    I am open to other books! Just let me know what y’all would recommend

    Thank you!

    by 6_5_sg_fromspace

    1 Comment

    1. Pestolover04 on

      From the ones you’ve listed, I would go with The Old Man and the Sea first. Super quick read but very impactful. Then I would suggest something like One Hundred Years of Solitude which is in my Top 5. It’s not that challenging and it can definitely hook you. Hope you enjoy reading again bud!

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