July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I love to read but I feel like booktok/intsa/etc have been letting me down lately.

    I need suggestions from people who have either 1.Read the following books and like them or 2. Read the following books and even if you didn't like them, understand the similar vibe i'm going for. (But if you haven't read them i'd be happy to explain, but also you should read them too😍)

    Most if not all of these are series but not all:
    – Harry Potter
    – LotR
    – Hex Hall
    – Delirium
    – Wings
    – Embrace
    – Shadow Falls
    – Hush Hush
    – Hunger Games
    – The Fault in Our Stars
    – The Giver
    – Vault of Dreamers
    – Matched
    – Linger
    – Divergent
    – Pulse

    by ColleenLotR

    1 Comment

    1. DocWatson42 on

      OP: Tip: If you use asterisks or hyphens (one per line; **a space between the asterisk/hyphen and the rest of the line is required**), they turn into typographical bullets.

      * One
      * Two
      * Etc.

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