July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have a hard time willing myself to read Jane Austen (an entire paragraph about literal gruel—are we being serious), but I absolutely adore Pride & Prejudice (2005) and Emma (2020) was good too.

    I’d love to find something that could be a Jane Austen story, just with more modern language. Don’t get me wrong, I still want it to be well-written, but more along the lines of Emily Henry meets Jane Austen. Definitely something that doesn’t have millennial written all over it—the problem I’ve had with some books released in recent years.

    Something I especially like about P&P (other than Mr Darcy) is the warm, cozy feel of the family, so that would be a big plus. And please god may there be a ball!

    by lenomcream

    1 Comment

    1. Front_Raspberry7848 on

      I capture the castle by dodie smith gives me Jane Austen vibes. But it was published in 1949, so the language is a lot more accessible without being full of any millennial vibes. It’s one of my favorite books of all time.

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