July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Can be multiple books, or one book that encompasses all of these ideas.

    I have multiple business ideas, I’ve tried multiple careers (working for other people) and I’ve always had a deep calling to work for myself but I keep myself stuck. And I don’t know which idea to try.

    I’m at a point where I’m jack of all trades (perhaps master of none) and suffer with imposter syndrome. I can be timid and lack confidence and self belief along with being a perfectionist. These are all areas I’ve been trying to work on.

    Current reads:

    Dr Joe Dispenza – Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.

    Dare To Lead – Brené Brown

    I know a book isn’t solely going to do the work for me. But I’m just trying to gather information to understand my limiting beliefs more. I just also love a good book recommendation 🤍

    by Wise-Lee-0189

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