July 2024
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    1. MichaelJosephGFX on

      I’m in a very distracting environment (I have no room of my own), so I put on headphones and play quiet and soft instrumental music, usually music that I feel fits the theme of the book.

      For example, I’m currently reading book two of the Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy, and I’ve been playing some really cool sci-fi music to go with it.
      Always instrumental though, and usually cinema-score-like music.

    2. serge_valene74 on

      Yes, but nothing with lyrics, which lessens my concentration. So, Dark Ambient stuff generally.

    3. Expensive-Fun-2918 on

      I Spotify themed playlist’s like ‘reading horror’ or ‘reading sci-fi’. Usually pretty complimentary.

    4. Silver-Lobster-3019 on

      Yes I always have. Whether it has lyrics or not doesn’t bother me. I can have the tv on too if it’s not a show I’m super interested in. I find I concentrate easier if there is some droning background noise.

    5. nottheredbaron123 on

      I can’t listen to music with earbuds or headphones while reading, but can play a vinyl softly or be in a place with music (like a coffee shop) and find that relaxing. I will usually put on something like Kate Bush, Tori Amos, AURORA, Joanna Newsom etc.

    6. philosophizinghiker on

      Not generally, but lately when I’ve been reading fun stuff (aka non academic) I have. Specifically, I’m reading some discworld novels right now (fantasy) so I’ve been playing some fantasy-esque instrumentals on the tv in the background. So much fun actually

    7. Flaky_Web_2439 on

      Yes, but it must match the book. For example, I like ambient sci-fi music when I listen to the bobiverse.

      I love classical soft music when I listen to Project Hail Mary.

      I listen to music from blizzard games when I listen to Dungeon Crawler Carl.

      But all of those are pretty light reading. Or listening, I am an audiobook addict. I can’t really listen to music when reading more serious books. I find the music can distract me and then I’m concerned that I missed something.

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