July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there friends!

    I want to write a book about a girl who struggles with her magical abilities because she doesn't accept herself (she is v introverted.) I'm struggling to pin it down a bit and I think it's because I haven't read enough similar material to understand the story I'm really trying to tell and what it would look like.

    Some examples of similar stories to give you an idea for the flavour: Fitzroy's arc in Graduation and Aubrey's in Amnesty (The Adventure Zone D&D podcast), the Persona game series, Frodo's inner struggle in LOTR.

    I'm really just looking for other stories in the fantasy genre where the main protagonist struggles to accept their limitations/who they really are, to give me ideas to muse on and consider- but they don't have to contain magic!

    by singingtablelegs

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