July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I’m looking for a short story collection that’s either an anthology of different writers or has a lot of variance in the type of stories it contains. Bonus points if it has stories told in different formats, like poetry, letters, journal entries, etc. Looking for stories that are creative and original. My favorite genres are new weird, fantasy, horror and magical realism.

    by moss42069

    1 Comment

    1. ShaoKahnKillah on

      The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu!!!!! You’ll see this shelved as fantasy, because that’s primarily what the author writes, but the stories in this collection are not tied to any specific genre. There are sci-fi, fantasy, horror, magical realism, as well as historical fiction stories within. And it’s one of the greatest collections and short stories in my opinion.

      I don’t care if you’re the hardest, most unfeeling sociopath in the world, the title story will break your f*cking heart in half.

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