July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I just finished Never Whistle at Night and loved it! I have a toddler running around so time to read is fleeting and the shorts format was perfect.

    Pre-parenthood I read a lot of biographies (Glass Castle; Cea Sunrise Person; etc) and emotional lit (The Art of Racing in the Rain; Where the Crawdads Sing; etc). While pregnant I read a lot of indigenous lit (Five Little Indians; Indian Horse; etc), but I don’t think I can stomach residential school trauma reads right now (I appreciate the importance of reading about residential schools and intergenerational trauma – I just can’t at this moment).

    I’m looking for either another collection of short stories OR something that’s both captivating and easy enough to put down and pick up. Paperback or audio book format


    by Stock-Ad-7579

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