July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is a two-pronged question. I have a precocious soon-to-by 4th grader who could really get some practical benefit from learning more about mindfulness practices, and who I also think would really find the tenants of Buddhism fascinating both intellectually and spiritually. So, I'd love suggestions for both practical and spiritual takes on the topics.

    When kiddo was little, we read a number of picture books about meditation and they loved them. For example, I brought home "Meditate With Me" by Mariam Gates when kiddo was about 5 and reading it together was the first time they had sat still for more than about 5 minutes for months at that point.

    Now, though, kiddo has outgrown picture books by a wide margin, but probably isn't ready for full-on adult-level reading about Buddhism and mindfulness practices. I do have some Thich Nhat Hanh books I think they might find accessible, but am looking for suggestions for things written specifically for kids age 8-15. Open to things kiddo would read on their own, or to read-alouds mom or I could read at bedtime (if they're more story-based). Thanks!

    by kelaar

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