July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    like "Children of Men" or "Tender Is The Flesh", where the majority of people just keep doing the same thing as before the end of the world started. I'm not sure what kind of genre/trope this would fall under specifically but I liked these books and wanted to see more perspectives on an end of the world that is taking a long time to get to it.

    bonus points for fantasy, horror, or sci-fi, but I'll give anything a try. thank you!

    by kayforpay

    1 Comment

    1. Andnowforsomethingcd on

      Ooh I think you would really dig **The Last Policeman** trilogy by Ben H Winters. The story is told in first person by the MC, a very young police detective in New England. Its always been his dream job, but unfortunately he got it because of circumstances beyond his control – namely, there is an extinction-level asteroid headed for earth that is expected to kill everything and everyone on earth within hours of impact, and the old detective quit to spend his last few months with family.

      It’s a really intimate and raw study of this man as he sort of experiences civilization slowly crumbling around him. The first book starts 7 months before impact I think, the second is six weeks, and the third is ten days.

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