July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently read Graveyard of Lost Children by Katrina Monroe, and I loved the visceral, uncomfortable, psychological horror that the author used for the protagonist who had just given birth and had a young baby. Something about you not being yourself anymore, you’re a mother. Your body isn’t your own, you’re an object, and incubator. This baby is sucking the life out of you. The physical horror of it was also very well done. Just pregnancy as horror.

    I ended up not liking where the book went and wish it focused more on this. It really drew me in and had going insane in a great way!! It’s such a good trope and I absolutely need more. Does anyone have any suggestions? I prefer the psychological aspect of it but I’m 100% good with the gorey bits too. I’d also be interested in any nonfiction if anyone knows of any essays or books on the dehumanization that comes with pregnancy.

    by Right-Honeydew-5073

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