July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve recently gotten back into reading, I’ve read 3 books in the past month and I forgot how reading is so fun when you have a good book.
    I recently read The Snowman, The Lost Man, and The Dry. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE LOST MAN!!!! Everything about that book was perfect in my eyes, the story, the setting, the characters, THE WRITING, how Harper sets the scene beautifully from the first page! I would love some more suggestions like the lost man. I loved how the main character in The Lost Man was just a regular guy and not a detective (I don’t mind detectives, but in my opinion, it can get kind of tiring) I know the book Force of Nature follows The Dry, and while I like The Dry, I want to give Harper a break and delve into a new author. The Snowman was interesting but not my favorite.
    Things I am looking for:
    A well-written mystery, beautifully written
    A main male lead
    Likable characters
    Slight romance (I am a sucker for a romance subplot)
    Southern or rural town (preferably set in the southern USA)
    Preferably not a series
    I know I am being too picky. Would love to hear your suggestions!

    by Forward_back8245

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