July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I like books where the friendship between the characters is heavily explored. So what are some books that focus on a group of protagonists and make their relationships with each other very important to the story? They could either develop their friendship over the course of the plot or already be close at the start, it doesn't really matter.

    If your suggestions could please be adult-oriented/non-YA books that fit into one (or multiple) of these genres, I'd really appreciate it:

    • Adventure
    • Historical fiction
    • Fantasy
    • Sci-fi
    • Crime/Thriller

    by DustlessDragon


    1. Becky Chambers’ **The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet** has a construction spaceship crewed with a found-family of multiple species travel across the galaxy to a new job. Most of the story consists of interactions between the crew and incidents that happen along the way.

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