July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone! I'm not a huge reader due to my ADHD never letting me focus on a book but I've recently gotten back into it and I am now looking for books to try. I'm looking for

    • Fiction books, specifically historical-ish, modern day, or light sci-fi but nothing too crazy. I want realistic. No fantasy please!

    • Medium- or fast-paced books. I need something I can get into within the first 2ish chapters.

    • Romance but with heavy storyline outside of just the romance too. Think Bridgerton where there's other stuff going on outside the dating.

    • Lighthearted. I don't want anything based around a big tragedy like a war or the apocalypse.

    • Short to medium length. Nothing longer than like 500 pages please!

    Thank you in advance!

    by Emz813

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