July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am posting for a bit of support / gentle encouragement / wise words / kindness…

    It's been impossible for me to finish one whole book. For the last few years I've been reading several books simultaneously. At it's worst upto around 8, with 2 in reserve. At it's best around 3. I am currently reading 2 books seriously.

    I only read nonfiction. I grew up on fiction.

    How do I escape this book hell. I suppose the first step is admitting I have a problem.

    The problem seems to be focus. I have a lot of exciting books and reading one feels like I'm missing out on the other.

    Any techniques or similar feelings from other book readers would really be appreciated. I can't be the only one! :/


    by Ok_Seat_2790

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