July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, Thank you for checking my post out! I am a fan of many types of literatures and genres from fantasy to biographies. I remember I used to love reading as a kid, and would frequently get scolded since I wouldn't put my books down regardless of the time and place. With age, and a decline on my mental health, I've kind of lost this passion, however, I am determined to regain it. So, I am looking for book recommendations from fellow literature enthusiasts.

    I don't have any preferences when it comes to the genre, it could be romance or maybe even horror, but what I know I am looking for is bodies of work where the authors have poured their heart out into their writing. I'd love to read something that makes me cry, smile and even upset. I'm not quite sure just where to begin though. Im taking any suggestions, so anyone is welcome to share their favorites!

    by Doveonthemoon

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