July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for something kind of specific, basically trying to find inspiration that's doing something similar to something I'm writing.

    I'm working on a low fantasy murder mystery where the murder itself is kind of a vehicle for exploring some worldbuilding and interpersonal dynamics of a community. The death of the victim (an older hard line conservative) sets off a chain of events that could lead xenophobia in the community to boil over into violence, and that's really the ticking clock for the protagonists seeking to solve the murder. If someone isn't blamed there's likely to be mob violence against outcasts and immigrants. The victim's presence hangs over the entire investigation, almost seeming to thwart the protagonists at every turn. The twist is that the victim actually orchestrated their own death to facilitate the xenophobic backlash the protagonist is trying to keep from breaking out.

    I figured this basic mystery plot couldn't be totally unique, and in fact would be kind of shocked if there aren't some pretty great stories out there doing something similar. If you know of anything, let me know so I can browse it both for inspiration and to make sure I'm not unwittingly echoing some famous story too closely.

    by CConnelly_Scholar

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