July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I’m looking for a fantasy book with the trope of a person wandering into a world (or maybe city) that was once thriving but now its inhabitants are either dead, missing or have just left due to some reason that is at first unknown.

    I was thinking something like HollowKnignt but more in terms of its world building and how you find out about what happened rather than the aesthetic although I wouldn’t mind something with a similar aesthetic.

    I have looked at finding dark fantasy books in general (e.g. the shadow of the torturer) but I would prefer something more modern as I’m somewhat new to reading fiction and I’ve struggled with older books.

    Also, I’m not too interested in apocalyptic narratives (either during or post-apocalypse) as I’ve read/watched a lot of those recently. For context I read Day of the Triffids recently and it wasn’t really my sort of thing, especially towards the end.

    Thank you for any suggestions!

    by Ewins11

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