July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    If you have kids that like fictional books and magic then the Amari books are for them. The first book is called Amari and the Night Brothers, it talks about how this girl( Amari) thinks that she is normal while looking for her lost brother, but while she looks for him she finds out that she has great magical talents.

    The second book is called Amari and the Great game
    she gets to learn how to win with her powers… well kind of. While compeating in the games she has to control her powers to try and win the games. But can she do it or does she fail and give up, read to find out.

    by Low-Fig-5578


    1. The author is amazing. He sends free copies out to classrooms, schools and libraries. He sent me the boxed set of both books via Twitter for my school.

    2. I work at a middle school, and a 7th grader told me these are his favorite books of all time. I gotta check them out. Thanks for bringing them back to my attention!!! <3

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