July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve always enjoyed stories about exploring and settling new environments.

    I don’t remember what series it was, but some of my earliest memories involve my dad reading his own books to me as a small child, and it one of the series he read that I found fascinating was a historical fiction story about a amily building a homestead as part of settling the American West.

    Growing up some of my favorite books were Alan Dean Foster’s Sentenced to Prism and Heinlein’s Tunnel in the Sky, both of which are stories about exploring and surviving, and to different extents settling, alien planets.

    I also really enjoyed, around the same time, The Fall of Angels by LE Modesitt Jr, which starts to bleed more into fantasy, but is also basically a spaceship crash landing and being forced to settle in a planet.

    After recently reading a series on Royal Road about Dwarfs building a settlement, listening to the Zero G trilogy on Audible, then watching the series Scavenger’s Reign on Netflix and playing the computer game I was a Teenage Exocolonist, I have only just began to realize that I have a type. I just really like exploration and settlement building as a genre, regardless of it being Sci-Fi, Fantasy, or Historical.

    A quick search of Reddit lead me to Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars trilogy, which I have currently on hold with my local library and will be reading soon, but I was wondering if there are any other books that you all could recommend.

    How about it r/books? Any good exploration/settlement building books I should be aware of? I guess survival would be in there too, I did like Hatchet, but it’s more fun with the extended stay and idea of potential permanence to me. I’m not genre picky.

    by Jormungandragon

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