September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm 22 yet I wasn't expecting to be crying my eyes out over a children's book. I guess that it really resonated with me given that I also have a beloved stuffed bunny which I had ever since when I was 5. Got it as a donation during some challenging times. Growing up, I saw the bunny as a substitute for a younger sibling given that I was an only child. Just like the little boy in the book, yes, I loved that bunny to death. I considered her to be real. Slept with her almost every single night. Literally couldn't imagine life without her.

    The book had some really deep and emotional themes which resonates everyone regardless of age, I guess. Shows how far love and authenticity can go.

    Now I'm going to bed and I'm gonna cuddle my bunny real tight.

    by musea00

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