July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone,
    As the title suggests, I am looking for a certain book, I can't remember it's name, but I vaguely remember it's story, it goes as follows:

    A kid living in some village with his uncle and aunt -probably- since his parents died, someday he meets an escaped prisoner who tells him to bring him wine and food, the kid does that, and the escaped prisoner dissappear, after some time, some rich lady invites him to her house, she is kinda crazy, because her husband left her on the wedding night, so she left the house in its state to this day, on his time there he meets a girl his age, after some time, the lady stops inviting him and he doesn't see the girl anymore, after that, he discovered that some mysterious rich man has decided to kinda adopt him, he travelled to the city, some things happened, and eventually he discovered that the man who "adopted" him is the prisoner he helped when he was young.

    That's all I can remember from the story, and Thank you in advance.



    1. That reminds me of a black and white movie I saw; the plot is exactly the same but I can’t remember the name either. I’ll try and look it up.

      Edit: I think it’s Dickens, Great Expectations.

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