July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    As title said, can’t get into The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King.

    I love Stephen King, all his books keep me hooked, but not the Dark Tower Series.
    Everyone said that is the best series by King.
    I finished first two books. I liked first one but bored second one.

    Now i started the third book. 30 pages and I cannot read any longer. Seems too slow and boring.

    My question is: did will get better or should I drop it ?

    Sorry for bad English.

    by Trick_Gate_8507


    1. I’m with you. I think his fantasy (Dark Tower, The Stand, etc.) is his weakest stuff.

      I haven’t read far enough into Dark Tower to be able to speak to whether it will ever pay off, but I will tell you that after reading a similar amount, I felt like it wasn’t really worth my time anymore.

    2. Shiver_me_lesbians on

      I had the opposite reaction and had a hard time with one but was hooked by two…and wizard and glass is far and away my favorite book i have ever read. Id say stick with it, but normally i just have to get people over the first book hump

    3. Mysterious_Drink_340 on

      Some are better than others. I never finished the series, he lost me with some of the stuff he included. But the first book and I think maybe the fourth are my favorites. The tone and imagery of the first book is crazy good, and really hooks you, but as the series goes on the story kind of drifts. Worth it to note that he wrote the first line of the first book in college, and didn’t touch it again for years. And when he wrote the first book, he didn’t know where the story was going or what he wanted to do with it. But the parts that focus on Roland, and his world and his past, are the best parts as far as I’m concerned.

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