June 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I really only read Non-Fiction (not that I'm a big reader) and this has been my best read so far.
    I really liked his style and willingness to put himself in the mix to get his story. It also helped that he had a degree in African politics as well so he knew his subject better than most.
    It's a brutal book but he never so or praised, despite his fascination and sometimes I needed to take a break but as soon as I put it down I wanted to pick it up again.
    I liked how he observed and let things play out with minimal interference from himself whenever he could and when he did he tried to play along so as not to "taint" the situation. If you've read it and know what I mean any suggestions would be appreciated.
    They don't necessarily have to be about conflict.
    Thanks in advance.

    by Positive-Reward2863

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