September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've been mulling over this question lately and thought I'd throw it out here for discussion: what matters more to you in a book or a movie — the way it's written or the actual story itself?

    Personally, I've always been drawn to beautifully crafted prose. There's something about the way words flow together that can elevate even the simplest story into something breathtaking. A well-turned phrase or a clever metaphor can stick with me long after I finish the book or leave the theater.

    On the flip side, a gripping story with compelling characters can sometimes make up for less-than-stellar writing. I mean, who hasn't stayed up all night because they just had to know how it ends, regardless of the writing quality?

    I know it's probably a balancing act, but if you had to choose — flawless prose or an incredible story — which would it be? I'm curious to hear your thoughts and whether you've come across any examples that really nail both aspects. Let's dive into this!

    by dependentsquid

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