September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I’ve been with my (22f) boyfriend (22m) for over 3 years. He’s been very kind about my anxiety but has never experienced it and has trouble understanding and sympathizing sometimes. He loves to read though and is very willing to learn more about it. For context I am an anxious person especially about loss of control which means I hate flying on planes and get nervous with any situation where I feel out of control. It comes with all of the fun anxious thoughts, intrusive thoughts, etc. generalized anxiety stuff. Can anyone please comment recommendations for a book I could give him that might help him better understand what anxiety is and what it’s like for the person without making the anxious person seem like a helpless chaotic mess??? Just trying to get him to see what it’s like a little more and maybe in the context of loving someone with it but that’s not a requirement. Thank you! All suggestions welcome.

    by purplezebra34

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