July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm 23 and not where I thought I'd be in life (surprise surprise). When I was younger I was passionate about designing games and apps, especially the process of designing something on paper that could become tangible. Dreamt of owning my own game studio. Life and my own attitude led to a different path. Hated school (and partly myself) and stumbled my way from manual labor -> military -> IT. The urge for creative fulfilment and aesthetics still pop up some times but I'm not really happy.

    I don't feel very interested in anything anymore. I mostly drink and sleep unless I get dragged along on some kind of mini adventure with a friend or family member. What book can help me find what I'm actually good at? I miss that obsessive passion and drive I once had but want to put it into something I can actually make money off of. Any suggestions?

    by Motor_Novel5648

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