July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hey guys. recently ive been looking for a good horror book to read to pass the time but all the books recommended in other similar threads that ive read have never really stuck with me. i cant go past the first few chapters and if i do manage to read the entire book i feel like i dragged myself through it all just to get to the end. its a shame since i LOVE horror and books but almost everything ive read so far in the genre felt lackluster and boring.

    maybe the problem is my reading ability. although i consider myself a decent reader english is my 3rd language and i sometimes find certain books hard to read which takes me out of the experience. even gone girl and much of stephen kings works were difficult for me at times and i felt i had forced myself to read just get to the end.

    im looking for something that will genuinely unsettle me. a book thats very eerie and creepy and i am scared shitless while reading even if theres no obvious threat. ghosts, vampires, haunted houses or any demon religious satan stuff doesnt do much for me, id rather read something more unexplainable and sinister. i really enjoyed im thinking of ending things by ian reid (minus the ending) because of how tense it was the whole way. there were no big monsters or ghosts, just little things that made me go "wait wtf".

    i pattern ive noticed in the horror books i DID enjoy is they all have a sort of "liminal space" vibe to them, so something incorporating that would be very up my alley.

    ive realized this post has gotten very long. i would appreciate any suggestions. thanks!

    by i_cantstopreading

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