July 2024
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    1. PunkLibrarian032102 on

      *The Manticore* by Robertson Davies is primarily about a Toronto attorney who, after a nervous breakdown, goes to Zurich for Jungian psychoanalysis. Muchnof tge book deacribes the analysis. It’s really good. It is the second novel in *The Deptford Trilogy*, but Davies is very good at getting you up to speed if you haven’t read the first novel in the trilogy (*Fifth Business*) which I highly recommend. The whole trilogy is wonderful.

    2. I’ve got a book on my to-read pile called *Case Study* by Graeme Macrae Burnet which may be of interest.

      EDIT: On review, this novel is mainly comprised of a lot of found documents – case notes, articles etc. Therefore, unlikely to contain any sections of back-and-forth dialogue (unless some of the documents are transcripts of recordings), so it may not be suited to your needs?

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