July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m a 32 year old single male, and I feel like my life is constantly a spiraling mess. I really just want to get organized. I have many tasks at work that need completed, but I also have homework for my masters courses that I need to finish. At the same time, I need to prepare to move soon but I also have loads of laundry and other chores that need my attention. I have a letter I have been meaning to write for two months, but I can never find the time or energy to write it. There’s so much more.

    I feel like my life is an absolute mess. I can never remember to do anything except at the most inconvenient times (when I’m in the shower or driving for example). I get so overwhelmed with all that I have to do and don’t know where to start. When I hunker down and complete one of my to-dos, I feel very accomplished. But then I have to find that same energy to complete the next task, and I just don’t know how to do all of them at one time.

    It just keeps getting worse, and I believe this disorganization to get my life in order is costing me in my job, relationships, and more. I have to fight the urge to quit everything, move to a new city, start a new job, find new relationships, and completely start over.

    Is there a book out there that will give me a method I can follow to break this curse? Would Atomic Habits do the trick? Something from the Highly Effective Habits series? I really need to get back on track— I’m in my 30s and should be better at this by now, but I have no idea how to conquer it all.

    by New_Broccoli3677

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