July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have a former student who is in prison. I wrote to him a letter, and considered sending him a book because he liked reading. I asked him in my letter what kind of book he’d like, and he requested a self-help book. (This isn’t what I expected him to say, honestly, since I read that most prisoners like things like Stephen King for the length and the escapism.) In his words, all the book in the prison are “hood books” and so he’d like a self help one.

    Anyways, I know that most self-help books are a lot of crap, and I’d only like to get him one if it is good and he could potentially find value in it. I don’t read a whole lot of self help (the only self-help books I read are about cleaning lol) so if anyone can tell me any good good for this situation it would be appreciate! Thanks!

    by turboshot49cents

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