July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A little random but I just finished The Langoliers by Stephen King and all the airport shenanigans reminded me of another fave – Station Eleven, i’m looking for other books set in some kind of abandoned liminal spaces, not necessarily airports but extra props if they are! (thrillers/sci-fi preferably)

    by jessica-drew


    1. Ooo, I love this obscure niche. Station Eleven was so good!!!

      “The Terminal Man” by Michael Crichton – delves into the mind of a man undergoing experimental brain surgery, set in a hospital

      “Slade House” by David Mitchell – a bit eerie about this mysterious house that appears only once every nine years, trapping the people who go inside in a maze of different realities

      “Metro 2033” by Dmitry Glukhovsky – set in an abandoned Moscow Metro station after a nuclear apocalypse. Explores survival in dark, forgotten tunnels & stations, similar to Station Eleven.

      “Dark Matter” by Blake Crouch – sci-fi/ thriller that has alternate realities and abandoned places, blurring the lines between different versions of the world and reality. Really great new show on AppleTV also!

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