July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Brother Anita Ahlborn

    Just picked this book up from my local library. I read online there are some pretty intense trigger warnings. Curious anyone who has read this if you could provide some insight on whether it is graphic details or simply alluding to what’s going on when it comes to
    – cannibalism
    – rape
    – anything with children

    by Ok_Bottle4813


    1. pbtribadisms on

      It’s been a bit since I read it but there is graphic depiction of rape, assault, and abuse of children throughout the book. I don’t remember mention of cannibalism explicitly but bodies are dismembered after they’re killed and that is described in detail (and there may be cannibalism involved). If you are sensitive to any of those topics, I wouldn’t recommend it.

    2. No cannibalism, but throw in some torture and incest. I thought it was a stupid book anyhow.

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