July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I wanted some YA recs of some good paranormal young adult books as I miss those books and have been re-reading the ones I liked…

    I loved:

    • {Lux Saga by Jennifer Armentrout}: liked it a lot and I found the FMC quite relatable
    • {Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick}: liked the mystery and MMC's bad-boy vibes but FMC became slightly annoying in the later books of the series

    Somethings I dislike:

    • {Scarlett series by Barbara Baraldi}: it's Italian and I disliked the FMC so much: she kissed the guy she hated at first as he was guarded against her as her boyfriend was being punished because she was involved with the paranormal and after knowing how another girl she befriended liked him a lot and went to her while she was on a rampage and told her to calm down!!! Gosh, I wanted to strangle her so much
    • {Shadowhunters by Cassandra Clare}: I disliked the push and pull between the MCs
    • {Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer}: I liked>! how she was pulled into the vampire's world from being someone who knew nothing of it!<


    • cheating
    • reverse harem
    • rape (I can get over dub-con)
    • no grovelling, or at least not too much of it: hate regret stories where he treats her horribly for 90% of the story, I feel he doesn't deserve her anymore and can't root for them, something not too extreme is negotiable, just let me know
    • angst due to misunderstandings or miscommunications between the MCs or because one of them stormed off without listening to the other, like an angry child or angsty time skips, but can stomach it if it's due to past or other people (I want them against the world if necessary) [Optional, as I guess it's too picky of me]

    I would like it if FMC wasn't part of the paranormal world as I love it when she slowly learns to adapt

    See you in the comments and thanks

    by ManufacturerGreedy84

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