July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I think in English it’s called “Hatter’s Castle” by A. J. Cronin. I just…

    The way the man abused his family. How horrid of a father do you have to be, for
    >!your pregnant daughter to prefer to run away during a storm, almost die exposed to the elements, and end up giving birth in the barn of some unknown people who treated her better than her father.!<

    >!He also abandoned his wife iirc, too wrapped up in his own narcissism and his own life to be a good partner to his sick wife.!<

    And the ending…
    >!It’s a good thing that the protagonist ends up alone. He deserves it. But at what cost? The people around him didn’t deserve what they went through.!<

    To this day I swear at this author but in a good way. He can’t be THIS good at making me FEEL things.

    by xXMissVoidXx


    1. Bosnia’s Million Bones. I thought I could handle it because I’d read We Carry Their Bones and knew plenty about the Bulldozer Assault during Operation Desert Storm but every time I closed that book for the night I had a thousand yard stare that could only be erased by several glasses of whiskey.

    2. For me. The book that ripped my heart to shreds was ‘Of mice and men.’ I am neurodivergent, how the book follows two men, one of which is a large man who is neurodivergent.. the ending always breaks me.

    3. Most recently it was “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” by Gabrielle Zevin, specifically when >!Marx is killed during a workplace shooting!<.There was something so American about it that made me profoundly sad (and infuriated). I burst into tears.

    4. Reading Garcia Marquez’ “Love In The Time Of Cholera” as my relationship was collapsing.

    5. I cried when I read the Dark Tower series by Stephen King and also the book A Million Little Pieces.

    6. Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden.
      I wanted to read a Canadian author and found this by accident. It’s a beautiful, hard book to read- so much so that even though it’s not my absolute favorite book (it is definitely in my Top 20), it’s one I always think of when I see questions like this (or “what is a beautiful book you’ve read” or “what book has affected you”). I haven’t been affected by any other book in the same way.

    7. A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry.

      I guessed the ending, skipped to the end, wept and did not finish that book 15 pages from the end.

    8. themooseiscool on

      I’m reading The Poisonwood Bible right now. Just got to the portion with the mamba right as my plane was landing.

      There were a few eyes wondering why this grown man was crying.

    9. The world according to Garp.
      The accident moment reduced me into a hopelessly sobbing piece of sentimental trash right at the bus stop where I was reading the e-book. People around or no people.

    10. RiddleMeThisOedipus on

      _The Bridge of San Luis Rey_. I can’t even finish the Marquesa’s story without sobbing.

    11. “Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas”, fairly short novel by Nicholas Sparks. Ugly sobbing.

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