September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For the past few years I have set out to read more authors outside of my usual comfort zone. This means reading more works that aren't written by white, American males. I have nothing against that group of authors. I just find that if I don't make an effort they become the only thing I'm reading.

    I've found that reading how people of vastly different backgrounds approach a similar subject helps me challenge my own world view. It is also just flat out interesting to see the stories woven from different historical, social, and cultural backgrounds. With all of that said, please recommend some good or great Grimdark tales.

    I have read several of the Gaunt's Ghost books by Dan Abnett, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Black Tongued Thief, and Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin.

    The Fifth Season lost me with the way it switched perspectives and timelines. The switching interfered with establishing a flow or rhythm. So, something with more of a settled structure or pace would be appreciated.

    Also, if we could avoid spending three pages talking about how a fat man in a carriage eats sausages, that would be good. I am not a fan of adding three hundred pages to a book by rambling about things that don't add to the story.

    by MikeNice81_2

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