July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hi! I am 18y/o facing issues such a low confidence, low esteem, isolation and have a history of depression as well… and Recently failed to score good in an examination for which i had been preparing for 2 yrs and its really breakinga and crushing me soo much…In a month or two i will go to clg. But i just dont wanna carry this loser mentality along with me. Each faculty and wellwosher in the past 2 yrs would point to my low self esteem claiming that its the major cause why i get into self doubt and underperformed.Tho m an extrovert, atleast i shiuld say was before the academics put me into the shell of isolation which led to my mental health issues. I just wanna work on myself and nothing else for now. I want the Peaceful and the joyful version of me back… so pl ls help me ..

    So i need suggestions and sequence on self improvement book which can help me have confidence and help me to foght my way thru to approach success in my life . Would req you to give a proper order in which i should read books…Would be great if u suggest me 10-12 in a proper order so that i would completely dive into the books and work on me ( i was a novel reader once but acads pressure put everything off so uk… )

    Thanking u in adv(sorry m new to this sub so idk much of the culture over here)

    by failed1000times

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