July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, i'm looking for some recommendations since I can't find a good read, I've been left books at few pages because I can't get thrilled since I read The Witcher saga (I loved those books and I feel empty after finishing them)
    I'm looking mainly for good written characters and an interesting story; I enjoy horror, fantasy and historical novels, but I can be open to other genres, except romance and young adult novels. It can be an standalone book, but I prefer a series.

    If it can help, these are reads I enjoyed in the last year:
    -The Gunslinger series, Stephen King
    -Off season, Jack Ketchum
    -Hellsreach, Aaron Dembski (Warhammer book)
    -The ritual, Adam Nevill
    -The Road, Cormac McCarthy
    -Last Days, Adam Nevill
    -Country of last things, Paul Aster
    -The Witcher series, Adam Sapkowski as I mentioned before

    (I prefer to know new writers)


    by lex_93

    1 Comment

    1. Give Haruki Murakami a try. He’s a Japanese author, so his style of writing is very unique and different from what you’re used to.

      The Wind Up Bird Chronicle definitely has elements of horror, fantasy, and history all in one. Plus it’s one of his most popular books. The plot is something that will keep on going and going and going and you don’t know where you are or where you’ll end up.

      Kafka on the Shore is also something that fits these categories. The characters and world are a lot more expansive in this one. And has a lot more fantastical elements.

      But definitely be prepared for an “exotic” reading experience. Murakami is the type of author where his stories are hard to define. Eastern writing and cultural tropes are super different from ours.

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