July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey guys! It’s my first time posting here, but I sincerely hope to be at the right place.

    For some context a bit about me. I’ve turned 23 years old yesterday and been using and practicing my English a lot past my school years. During my education at the university I couldn’t avoid the international part of science which is obviously in English.

    Next to this, friends I met through mostly gaming are from around the world. So whenever we played together or hang out in a discord call, we spoke English.

    So all in all, I would evaluate my English skills as more advanced but with a lot of room for improvement.

    And I want to support this next step of getting more fluidly with fancier/more advanced words to even further develop the way of expressing myself.


    So to the real question towards this subreddit. What are good recommendation for someone who is not a native English speaker, but which still challenges me in a way of learning new vocabulary.

    For genres, I am more into fantasy than anything towards sci-fi. I also wouldn’t mind something more romantic since I’m one myself. Just no horror for now. I’ll keep it to the movies .
    I would like something story heavy which although doesn’t require to read three books to get the whole picture.

    Any recommendations are highly appreciated! Much love and thank you for reading! <3

    by 2Frozen

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