July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Has anyone read the book Native Son by Richard Wright? Anytime I bring it up it seems like no one has heard about it. I would be interested in talking about it to someone if you have. But the real reason I ask this is because I want to read a book just like it. I haven't found one yet that gives me the same feeling.

    by Worried-Lifeguard-71


    1. SpecialKnits4855 on

      It was required reading at my high school in the 70s and I did enjoy it.

      Also try Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.

    2. DistanceSuch3174 on

      I read Native Son in high school, we also read a couple of Louise Erdrich’s books in the same unit – namely The Roundhouse. I really liked Native Son and the two of them had similar vibes of social commentary from children and young people. I love every one of Louise Erdrich’s books that I’ve read. The Night Watchman is also a beautiful one.

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