You will get Blindsight recommended to you over and over….they’re all correct 😆
The Expanse books have some alien horror as well.
Pandora’s Star and sequel Judas Unchained feature a *truly fantastic* species of horror alien, but the books are long and full of lots of plots that are not the horror aliens. How focused does the theme need to be? The aliens are some of the best I’ve seen, but they aren’t the entirety of the books.
Blindsight by Peter Watts
!remindme 5 days
You will get Blindsight recommended to you over and over….they’re all correct 😆
The Expanse books have some alien horror as well.
Pandora’s Star and sequel Judas Unchained feature a *truly fantastic* species of horror alien, but the books are long and full of lots of plots that are not the horror aliens. How focused does the theme need to be? The aliens are some of the best I’ve seen, but they aren’t the entirety of the books.