July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I read a book, I like to savor it. I never want to come away from a book feeling like I didn't take the right amount of time for me to digest it, really appreciate the experience, and reflect on what I learned/what I think about it. As a result, sometimes I'll go weeks or months before starting a new book because I enjoyed the last one so much. Other times, that period only lasts a few days to a week and I'm on to the next one. For instance, yesterday, I finished Superman by Larry Tye, a nonfiction book chronicling the history of the character (through 2012 when the book came out) and all of the forms he took on as the media landscape transformed throughout the 20th century. It was a phenomenal read, especially as I've been diving into comic history lately and wanting to know more about superheroes and comic companies through the past century or so. That book left me wanting more and ready to keep learning, so today, I started reading All of the Marvels by Douglas Wolk, which goes through the history of Marvel Comics. Quick turnaround for me between books, but I'm really curious about this particular subject.

    What about you? How long do you wait between finishing one book and starting another?

    by Neckties-Over-Bows


    1. If I didn’t like the book, I have no problem moving on to the next. But if I really enjoyed it, I literally can’t remove myself from whatever world or story I was in. I get into so many reading slumps just because I hate moving on from a story I really enjoyed. I’ll sit there and stew in a good book lol

    2. When I finish a book, I usually start a new one on the same day, I really enjoy exploring new worlds and stories.

    3. This_person_says on

      Starting a book for me, is just as exciting as finishing one. So usually the same night I will start a new book.

    4. sorrybeepboop on

      … I usually wait until the next day, if it was a good book. If it was just ok or worse, I might start a new one later the same day. Reading is my main hobby and if I don’t read, I get bored

    5. When I read something really impactful I do like to take some time to savor it. But for me, that usually means switching to some lighter reads for a while before I do another epic one. I can’t imagine ever not reading a book unless I’m simply too busy to find time.

    6. Misantrophic_Birch on

      I do not wait at all. Usually, a ‘good book slump’ can only be ‘cured’ by starting another book for me. Although, very occasionally a book hits so hard I do have to wait about a week before I can move on from it.

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